Friday, January 1, 2010

A new year and it has come in a big way - a blue moon and it hasn't stopped pouring since last year. It was a quiet entrance here. There was a good amount of work happening and no one felt like cooking dinner so our last meal of the year was at Huddle House, far from the worse place in town.
I added this picture of Chocolate Chip and Baby Dumpling because although he looks a little nervous he was anything but afraid of her as they were just grooming each other. My wish for all of us in this new year is that we all will have friendships that care and nuture us this much.

We managed a brief look at the blue moon before the storms happened and it was a moon to wish upon and to plan the future with. And I did. We had de Cristmas'ed the house the day before and all that know me will be shocked but I was more than happy to see it go. It had been a depressing holiday for me this year. I really missed those big Christmas get togethers from when I was young.

We finally lost the gardens for the year, all we had was tomatoes and peppers. Picked them all and there ae some grand green peppers there. All we had in tomatoes were green, I see a couple meals of Fried Green Tomatoes and, I guess, I will pickle some or something - many tiny ones. At least I get to can something.
May 2010 be everything you need it to be.