Friday, July 23, 2010


Why is it that when I hit "post" I am never sure how it will come out? I had it spaced great and looking so nice and this is what I was given. Oh well, Peacer and Bee look great.

FFC Royality

I thought I would take a moment to introduce the queens of FFull Circle Farm.

This is: Peacer, Peacer K, Peacer Kitty (when she's naughty). And she has her humans just where she wants them. Loves ice water & chin rubs, snuggles on her terms. tolerates being held like a baby and getting tummy raspberries. She is getting along in years and don't know how the place would run with out her.

This is Bee, she recently gave me 4 of the sweetest Netherland Dwarf babies ever. Bee loves nose rubs and likes tummy rubs and to chew on your finger nails.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Last fall a group I belong to on a return to simple living had a gathering and it was at our home. Here are some pictures of the group. That day we had lessons in soap making - both home and laundry, weaving and spinning, no knead bread and so much more. We had a pot luck meal with some of the best dishes I have ever tasted (home cooks are still the best). These were taken inside as it was in the mid 90s outside.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Been a while

It's been a while, long while actually. I'm just going to use nothing going on as my excuse.

Health wise - my leg blew out again and it was healing really good, doing what the good doctor told me to do, but it was still seeping more than I want to think about. He said to keep i dry, but that didn't seem to be really working so out came the plantain, comfrey and olive oil. Made a paste and did a poultice. It was doing a very nice job and then the drainage was black and I mean black. 4 days of this and it started healing correctly and I used my homemade BooBoo salve and Doctor was impressed at the healing. I FINALLY got the results of all the x rays they could last Feb. Could have called me, but didn't. FINALLY, I know what is wrong with my back. I am so happy to be able to say that there is degenerating disk or two and arthritis is setting in. Ok, that makes; both shoulders, R elbow & wrist, both thumbs and entire left leg. BUT now I know what is wrong with my back. I am very happy about that.

I made 2 wonderful trades with the rabbits; first is for a bunch of laying hens and a civil rooster and the other is for labor and some chickens. Made a great trade - not only getting help BUT we like them and they seem to like us. We needed to redo all the chicken housing and Scott wanted to do it all by himself. Right, but I know how he works and his work shedule. One day every other day would have taken a couple months. Bobby & Patty came and the ENTIRE project was finished in less than 4 hours. Can you believe that? And I now have a covered outside run and a nice inside coop that reminds me of a doll house. Very functional and I really am so happy with how it all turned out. I will take pictures after the chickens arrive.

Garden talk time. It is doing just great. I have 3 1' 4x4deep raised 3' up and one 4x8 2' deep bed raised to 3 feet. They are FANTASTIC. I filled them to inches from the top with bunny poo and covered with top soil and they are producing just fantastic. Early was 2 kinds of radish, lettuce, beets, and swiss chard. The big bed has comfy and lemon grass which will go to the herb bed when I decide where to have it, green beans, eggplant, yellow squash and zucchini with a couple tomatoes. I have a temporary herb bed covered with dill, sage, pineapple sage, chervil, thyme and a few others. I have peppers, green, yellow and sweet banana peppers in planters on each side of a bench. Have cukes in a 30 gallon tub and they are climbing all over the picket fence. I put a good number of basil plants with the tomatoes in 30 gallon pots that are just huge and growing crazy! All the pots were done the same way, manure to the top and finish with top soil.

We have so many project that need doing. The pier and dock need new covering of boards, fire pit has massive pile to burn and then will need digging out. The shop needs a cement floor and the other parts need cleaning out and the outside lean to of the shop needs a new floor and 6 new roof panels.

It's hot, but we finally have central air and heat again! House still gets warm, but very bearable and I can stay warm next winter too. Truly 2 "good things."

Truly I have nothing I can complain about. All has been going up hill and better and better.

OH, can't forget the animal members of the family. The outside kitties are well, the bunns are doing fantastic, and the queen still rules the house as it should be. Seems like friends are doing better too. Just happy today.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A new year and it has come in a big way - a blue moon and it hasn't stopped pouring since last year. It was a quiet entrance here. There was a good amount of work happening and no one felt like cooking dinner so our last meal of the year was at Huddle House, far from the worse place in town.
I added this picture of Chocolate Chip and Baby Dumpling because although he looks a little nervous he was anything but afraid of her as they were just grooming each other. My wish for all of us in this new year is that we all will have friendships that care and nuture us this much.

We managed a brief look at the blue moon before the storms happened and it was a moon to wish upon and to plan the future with. And I did. We had de Cristmas'ed the house the day before and all that know me will be shocked but I was more than happy to see it go. It had been a depressing holiday for me this year. I really missed those big Christmas get togethers from when I was young.

We finally lost the gardens for the year, all we had was tomatoes and peppers. Picked them all and there ae some grand green peppers there. All we had in tomatoes were green, I see a couple meals of Fried Green Tomatoes and, I guess, I will pickle some or something - many tiny ones. At least I get to can something.
May 2010 be everything you need it to be.