Well, that would be a yes and a no statement. It sure doesn't look like Christmas, but when does it in Florida? It's early, right? SO? It's Christmas here for me. Christmas is when the family got along and didn't fight or pout, it was the greatest time of the year and I still feel that way. I celebrate more of a Yule feeling now that I am older and semi sane still.
This is a picture of my favorite ornament, made in China. It was gotten at my wedding dinner, 30+ years ago. It's a not fancy felt egg with little cones for the figures, toothpicks for the arms. Problem is that one of Mary's arms was either done sloppy or as a joke and she is more of a happy Joesph. Ok, I am a bad boy, but it makes me smile each year.
One of my favorite memories are; Christmas eve was spent with mom's family which was exciting! I was spoiled rotten there. I had an uncle I just adored and he was just like the tv father, wise and loving. Christmas day was with Father's family, he didn't want to go but did so anyway. This was the family that I used to have to sit in a chair for hours and be quiet - BUT not at Christmas. At this family the thing I remember most was dinner - they used REAL butter! I would break my slice of Wonder bread in to 4 pieces and butter each piece. Impressive for a 6 year old, huh?
Both families had Nativity sets, I bought my parents one when I was 8 and guess what? I have all three. I also have 6 other sets, including a huge one I hand chalked. Not all go out each year anymore, just not enough room, plus I have a Village too and it takes up way too much space. I wonder how many sets I can get out this year? Any bets?
NOW, candles! Christmas eve grandma had all these candles for Christmas - reindeer, trees, skating snowmen choirs and I so loved them all. Guess who has them now, yet me. I got the ones that survived, and there were some missing. In came EBAY! I started adding missing pieces and discovered that they were Gurleys.
My words were what the heck does that mean? I did a little reading on the history, good reading and I now have a small collection of them, very cool to me. I was left missing the 5 inch reindeer and the 5 inch skating Snowman. Delivered yesterday were the taller reindeer and 2 small skaters. WONDERFUL treat. Only one candle yet to find and i will find it.
I whined for 30 seconds and won - next week the Christmas decorations will start coming in and I can get a easier time getting the ho ho season going. I THINK there are 8 big Tupperware trunks in the barn plus the boxes of trees. As much as I want real trees I can't bring myself to cut one one and will settle for branches and the like. Which is a decor I really like anyway.
So, as things get arranged I will share things with you and hope you enjoy them as much as I will.